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Scrap Gold Offers Boost During Lean January

After a turbulent year in 2020, we’re all getting our financial houses in order and preparing for what is often a leaner month than most, this January. But it needn’t be so free of joy, if you happen to have a bit of scrap gold lying around.

In fact, UK Scrap Gold could help make January not so lean afterall, given the recent run-up in gold prices.

Prices near record highs

Unprecedented economic uncertainty in the past twelve months, over Brexit and the pandemic has been effectively baked into gold prices, pushing them to new all-time highs. As a result, the gold scrap in your home is worth significantly more than at any time in living memory.

This gives holders of scrap items something of a COVID dividend, but it pays to keep a close eye on precise price movements, to time a sale with UK Scrap Gold perfectly. Check out our Live Gold Price tracker, to keep an eye on where gold prices are going. In the event of a further rally, you could expect to make a significant sum by selling with us.

Just one gram of 9-carat scrap gold is worth £15.67 at present prices, as of January 2021. If you wish to get a near-instant valuation of your gold without having to set foot outside your front door, use our Scrap Gold Calculator on our home page – it’s able to combine the purity and weight of your item and give a quick estimate of how much you could sell it for.

Unable to value them yourself or unsure how to assess purity? Why not mail it over to us, and we can weigh it for you over video link on Skype, to give you peace of mind.

Safe dispatch over lockdown

COVID-19 cases are up and lockdown conditions are back in place, so that means we all need to minimise contact with those outside our households as much as possible to halt the spread of COVID-19. Many of our customers are keen to avoid long queues at the Post Office to send their scrap gold items, as this increases risk of exposure.

Why not book for Royal Mail collection from your front door? Parcel collection is available through the Royal Mail website and through the official app. This saves precious time and helps minimise the spread of COVID-19. Using the Track Your Item feature, it’s possible to guarantee safe delivery of your precious metals items to us.

UK Scrap Gold have been facilitating sales of scrap gold for many years, and we continue to strive at delivering a top-notch service, despite the ongoing pandemic. If you would like to make any enquiries or make a sale today, please call our team on 01902 623 254.

Christmas 2020 Operating Hours

Our website will remain available throughout the festive period but our offices will close from 3.30pm on Tuesday 22nd December 2020 until 10am on Monday 4th January 2021.

Due to ongoing disruption to the postal service in some areas, your last day for despatching Royal Mail insured Special Delivery parcels for delivery to us before 22nd December should be Thursday 17th December.

Parcels that we do not receive by 22nd December will be processed after our return to work on 4th January and may be held in Royal Mail storage until that date.

We will resume normal service on 4th January 2021.

Make Some Easy Cash Ahead of Christmas 2020

It’s not an exaggeration to say 2020 has been a tough time for many of us. COVID-19 and the recession that followed mean this will be one of the hardest Christmases for generations. But that doesn’t mean you couldn’t have something of a Christmas miracle – if you have any scrap gold lying around, that could loosen up some much-needed cash.

With prices higher than during any previous festive season, now could be the opportune time to make a sale, to reap a much-needed cash boost this Christmas.

High prices, high rewards

During times of uncertainty, gold prices rise and we’ve had bucketloads of that in 2020. Crashing stock markets, businesses shutting up shop and people having to stay indoors has forced many of us to get more used to staying within the four walls of our homes. But what if you’ve done some looking around, and found a trove of unwanted gold items?

This summer, UK gold prices touched £1,500 per troy ounce for the first time. This means UK Scrap Gold is able to offer some of the highest prices for scrap we’ve ever seen since we started helping people make sales across the UK.

You can see more of gold’s impressive winning streak by checking out our Live Gold Price tracker here. By catching the markets at the right time, during a price rally, you might be in a position to make the most of selling your gold for the highest price possible.

Use our Scrap Gold Calculator to get an up-to-date reading for what your items could be worth this Christmas. All you need is the weight and purity, as measured in carats. An item weighing just one gram with 9-carat purity could earn you £15.93, so there’s much to be made from selling today.

A much-needed Christmas boost

Our prices are some of the most competitive on the gold scrap markets, as we offer an efficient digital service, which is easy to use, and allows you to make a transaction with a few short clicks.

No doubt we’d all leap at the chance for a few extra pennies, especially ahead of the Christmas holidays. Selling your scrap gold with UK Scrap Gold today could be just what you need – we’re specialists in helping make quick and easy sales.

It all starts with filling out this Sell to Us form with the basic personal details we need to ensure a safe transaction. Please note we will pause receipt of scrap items from 17th December 2020 for the festive holiday period, so make sure to send items before this date, to ensure we can receive them without delay.

New Lockdown Offers Fresh Opportunities to Sell

Alas, the UK remains under some form of restrictions as a whole, having experienced lockdowns and firebreaks to boot. It’s only so many weeks until Christmas, and perhaps those lockdown blues are settling in again. But it doesn’t need to go that way.

Even if you have a teensy little bit of gold lying around your home, it could be worth a sizable sum. All you need is the right buyer. UK Scrap Gold is happy to help you and here’s why.

The price is right with us

UK Scrap Gold are specialists in handling sales of scrap gold, with as many as 20 years’ experience. Using our Live Gold Tracker, you can see just how high prices are in the current environment. Even if prices stay static for a time, you’ll be able to make more from a sale now than you would have done for most of recorded history.

To see what this means for you and the item you intend to sell, just give our Scrap Gold Calculator a try. By having the weight and an idea about the item’s carat or purity, you can input those variables into the calculator, to give you an idea of how much we can offer you. For example, one gram of 9-carat gold could earn you £15.60, based on current prices.

Time can be of the essence, so it pays to stay up-to-date on the latest prices, in order to time your sale at the best price possible.

Safer deliveries during lockdown

With a new lockdown in place in England, a lot of our customers will be wondering how best to ensure a safe and secure delivery, while minimising the risk of spreading COVID-19. The Royal Mail home collection through their Click and Drop service is the best way to achieve this. By going about booking your delivery online, you don’t have to set foot outside your front door.

Provided you have discreet and tamper-proof packaging to use for the item you wish to send, sending your item is now as hassle-free as it’s ever been. Upon receipt, we will value your item and give you an offer. Should you accept, payment can be made via bank transfer or via cheque – the choice is yours.

While lockdown is in place, meetings at our offices are to be made by appointment only. In the meanwhile, we encourage you to call us on 01902 623 254. You can reach our Customer Service Team, who will be happy to help with any enquiry you may have.

Crystal-Clear Prices for Precious Metal Sellers

In case you didn’t know, gold and silver have been on a tear in 2020. Gold prices managed to surge to an all-time high, above £1,500 per troy ounce just this summer. Silver is lagging somewhat, but also made decent gains, having enjoyed a COVID-19-induced leap. 

This means any gold or silver you find in your home could fetch a far higher price than ever before. Sadly, we’ve seen a rise in unscrupulous or even fraudulent people enter the market as buyers, trying to cash in on this trend. Don’t get left in the dark by a scrap buyer today – sell your items with UK Scrap Gold instead. 

Our numbers add up for gold and silver 

UK Scrap Gold has been closely watching gold and silver trend higher over the course of the year. Prices are impressive for scrap at the moment, making it an ideal time to sell. As mentioned, a valuation is crucial, but you also need to know the context.  

Some buyers are just not clear enough about the prices they offer for your scrap and how they calculate it. Some might not even publish what the actual price of gold is, effectively putting you in the dark about how much your item could actually be worth. 

That’s why we provide a Live Gold Tracker page, which lets you chart the price of gold in real time. In order to get an accurate valuation for individual items, all you have to do is use our Scrap Gold Calculator. Just enter the weight and purity of the item, measured in carats. 

Just one gram of 9-carat gold could yield as much as £16.74, so heavier items with a greater purity could be worth even more for you. Making a sale with us offers greater sums than other vendors, thanks to our digitised approach to gold transactions. This keeps a lid on overheads, making sure you get a higher sum for your item. 

Transparency in selling precious metals 

Many sites facilitate sales of precious metals just like us, but our scrap gold calculators are a far more transparent way for us to help you make a sale. It puts the requisite information right at your fingertips, so you can make a truly informed decision. 

Any questions regarding transactions, payment, delivery and much more can be answered by checking out some of our Frequently Asked Questions. These can especially come in handy, if you’re new to selling scrap gold and silver.

Gold and silver are considered precious metals for a reason – even a few old rings, chains or other jewellery could attract a tidy sum. To see just how satisfied you could be with our service, check out our Testimonials page. We’ve helped a long list of customers with sales over the years. If you’re happy with your transaction, why not leave a comment when you have the time!  

When it comes to getting in touch, some buyers aren’t easy to find. Addresses might be unclear, and it could be tricky to be able to meet them face-to-face in any way. UK Scrap Gold works out of its offices in Wolverhampton, as listed in our Contact Us page.  

While we encourage customers to avoid booking an in-person appointment at present, until restrictions are lifted, that option is there for you when the time comes, should you request it. 

The actual sales process is easy – why not call us on 01902 623 254 or message us on our Contact Us page to get started. A member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible, to help with your enquiries. 

COVID-19 Offers Price Dividend for Scrap Gold

It should have been no surprise for gold to spring up out of the ground in a small town in central Victoria, Australia. The country was the epicentre of a legendary gold rush in the 1850s, prompting thousands to emigrate there to grab a nugget of gold to make their fortunes.

The gold rush ebbed in time, but acres of ‘virgin territory’ remain unexposed. The case for taking gold seriously came to the fore once again, when two men managed to revive something of a gold rush by finding two sizable nuggets of gold near the town of Tarnagulla. Weighing a combined total of 3.5kg, the two men have potentially discovered enough gold to make them A$350,000 if they decide to sell soon.

The gold rush of 2020 is here

The two nuggets discovered near Tarnagulla are no larger than the size of the average smartphone, and yet they still yield enough to make a sizable fortune. This just goes to show how small quantities of the yellow metal can make a large sum, if you choose to sell scrap gold today.

UK Scrap Gold keeps a close eye on live gold spot prices daily, allowing us to give a quick-time valuation for items of varying purities and sizes. For example, UK Scrap Gold can currently offer as much as £530 for an item of gold scrap weighing just one ounce, with a purity of 9-carat.

Imagine what an even larger item of gold with a higher purity could be worth, should you decide to sell, with prices hitting new all-time highs of £1,500 this summer. This year has offered investors and sellers once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, so it makes sense not to squander them while they still last.

If 2020 proves to be one of the greatest gold rushes in history, demand for the yellow metal will only increase, constraining supply and keeping prices higher for longer. Gold is one of the scarcest precious metals on the planet, so why not cash in on your scrap gold while prices are high?

Make a scrap gold sale with us

UK Scrap Gold has plenty of experience in facilitating secure sales of scrap gold over the years. While lockdown has posed many challenges for us and our customers, we have continued to operate, ensuring that people were able to pass on their items for a fair price without fail.

Refining fees aren’t applied if you sell gold with us, nor do you lose out over hidden charges while making a sale.

If you wish to make a sale today, we strongly encourage you to call us on 01902 623 254 or contact us here. Our team will be on-hand to facilitate your enquiries and we look forward to helping realise the true worth of your scrap gold today.

Gold Prices Close to All-Time Highs During Economic Downturn

The UK is in what may be its worst recession in living memory, but it’s not all doom and gloom. The economy grew slightly in June and July, and the price of gold is near all-time highs.

Today, 2nd September, gold prices are £1,464.23 per troy ounce , while at the beginning of August they were at a record high of £1,508, coinciding with a recession threatening jobs across the country. 

The recession is likely to start a gold rush, as investors look to flock to this safe haven asset to protect their wealth. It might seem like an illogical time to start investing in precious metals, but as those in the gold community know, gold often holds its value extremely well during tough times.

Is gold on an upward trend?

Gold prices have been rising for quite a long time. Prices have virtually doubled over the last 10 years and by a staggering 30 per cent this year. With the recession developing many in the gold community will hope that gold holds its value for the next few months at the very least.

Why do gold prices hold their value during times of crisis?

Gold is considered a safe haven asset. A safe haven investment is expected to either retain or increase its value during market volatility. Safe havens are turned to by investors when they are trying to protect their wealth in response to economic downturns like recessions. 

Gold is less turbulent than stocks, which can fluctuate wildly in periods of recession. Gold is also thought to be a hedge against inflation.

Sell scrap gold online

All this means that if you happen to have scrap gold at home, with prices being as high as they are, you could stand to earn a decent sum of money selling your scrap gold.

We accept items containing gold, silver, platinum, or palladium. Here’s a full list of what we buy. So whether you have any unwanted jewellery at home, trophies, tableware or scrap we will offer you competitive rates. On the other hand you might have gold bars or coins purchased as an investment, which you wish to now sell. 

Whatever the case, selling scrap gold and precious metals with UK Scrap Gold is a quick and easy process.

At the time of writing, we can offer you £16.62 for one gram of 9 carat gold. This competitive price beats many scrap gold purchasers. So, if you had a 9 Carat necklace which weighs 7 grams you could make £116.34 at current prices.

How it works – 3 steps

1. Use our gold price calculator to value your precious metal at home

2. Post us your gold – by Royal Mail Insured Delivery

3. Receive your payment in just 24 hours

Sell to UK Scrap Gold to receive payment on the same day we receive your items.

Sell your gold with UK Scrap Gold

Send us a message via our online form or contact us by telephone to discuss your items. We can be reached on 01902 623 254.

If you’d like to book an appointment to chat face-to-face give us a call. Our office is based in Wolverhampton.

Time To Re-Group

When Covid – 19 hit in March we made the decision to keep working for as long as possible and furloughed non-essential staff where we could. Our staff members have been amazing during this crisis. Despite the imposition of lock-down, social distancing and hygiene requirements they have soldiered on and handled unprecedented demand from our customers. 

We have now arrived at the point where, frankly, our team need to take a break. Rather than rotating individuals onto annual leave and putting more pressure on the remaining staff members as a result, we have decided to close our offices for a full week so that everyone can get some much needed rest and the opportunity to re-connect with family and friends. As lockdown measures are now starting to ease we think that August would be the best time to take this break. 

As a result, our offices will be closed from 3pm Friday 7th August 2020 and will re-open at 9am on Monday 17th August 2020. 

During this period our offices will be unable to accept deliveries and any parcels addressed to us will remain in the postal system until our return to work. 


We would encourage all of our customers to make any planned sales during the next week to avoid delays in processing. 

Whilst we appreciate that these arrangements may cause some inconvenience, for which we apologise, the wellbeing of our staff members and our ability to continue to provide outstanding service to our customers in the months ahead are of great importance to us. 

A huge ‘Thank You’ to all of our customers, old and new, for your loyalty, patience and continued support during these unprecedented times and for the many emails and even letters of appreciation that we have received. 

Stay safe and well, it is by no means over yet! 

The Team at UK Scrap Gold

Silver Lining: Silver Shows Signs of Movement

We are used to seeing gold steal the headlines as one of the most in demand and valuable precious metals, while silver often falls to the side-lines. 

However, there has recently been a shift in the market which has seen the demand for silver rise significantly. As thing stand in July 2020, silver could be one of the few ‘silver linings’ of 2020 with prices approaching their highest in recent years.

What’s driving the silver price increase?

Silver prices have shot up 66 per cent since their lowest point recorded in March 2020, as reported by the Wall Street Journal. In fact, some investors are getting quite excited as they say that the silver market could explode at any point, with a troy ounce now hitting $19.50 in New York. This begs the question, what is driving the silver price increase?

Silver has many qualities which makes it a worthy investment as a precious metal. It is a reflective metal and is thermally and electrically conductive, meaning that it is sought after as an industrial metal. Indeed, silver is often used as a component in many technology devices and batteries.

One likely factor behind the price increase is the reopening of some factories following the COVID-19 lockdown. As the lockdown measures are slowly lifted, production levels have begun to return back to normal. This increase in productivity creates an increased demand for materials including silver.

Grab the silver lining

How long this burst in demand for silver will last, no one can confidently say – so how can you make the most out of this unique situation? 

Knowing which silver items will sell for the highest value is of utmost importance. Small items made from silver, like jewellery and watches, will not fetch the same price as they would if they were made with gold. 

This is partly due to the fact that many of these items will be plated, which makes selling for scrap very difficult. But the size of these items is also a factor; gold is a very valuable metal and so even small amounts of it are worthwhile selling as scrap gold. 

Silver, on the other hand, doesn’t demand the same level of value so volumes need to be larger before it’s worth making a sale. 

But do not despair – you can still capitalise on this opportunity and sell silver! Silver bullion bars and silver coins contain more pure metal and are not plated, meaning that these items have a higher resale value.

Selling silver with UK Scrap Gold

Now is the time to act if you are looking to get a strong return on your silver portfolio of bars and coins.

But have you considered selling to scrap gold companies? With over 20 years’ experience and knowledge in the industry, UK Scrap Gold offers competitive prices for scrap silver, gold and other precious metals.

Our online Scrap Silver Calculator can help you determine how much your portfolio is worth; all we need to know is the purity and total weight of the metal in grams. We will calculate the rest!

To get in touch with the team at UK Scrap Gold to discuss your silver portfolio, simply send us a message or give the team a call on 01902 623 254.

Value Your Scrap Gold at Home During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The current coronavirus pandemic continues to see a rising number of cases, meaning more of us are spending time based at home. UK Scrap Gold has paused accepting new sales of gold for the safety of customers, and to prevent potential losses of items in transit.

But that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to get a valuation or have plans in place to recycle your scrap gold. In fact, we have all the tools you could need, so that you’re ready to make a sale, as soon as our full service is resumed.

Valuations of scrap gold have never been so easy!

Scrap gold could be worth a fortune

Market turbulence has led to much money flowing into safe havens in recent weeks, as the COVID-19 pandemic causes key parts of the economy to close down. Cases continue to rise, and as any responsible business would do, UK Scrap Gold paused receiving items from customers from Friday 20th March until further notice.

We’re doing this in the best interests of everyone we work with, to help limit the spread of this new coronavirus, and to limit the risk of precious items being lost in transit, as we’re sure there will be some potential disruption for a short time.

In the meantime, use our Scrap Gold Calculator to value your scrap item today – whether it’s an old piece of jewellery that you’ve been meaning to sell for a while, or something you’ve only just acquired but have no need for, valuation is easy.

Rather than having to send your item directly to us for analysis, using our Scrap Gold Calculator requires you to provide an estimate of the item’s weight and carat (purity), so it can give an accurate reading. Gold prices have been close to all-time highs for a number of weeks, and the Calculator reflects that in each reading it gives.

Sales and recycling as part of our service

When we are able to restore our full service to customers, this includes not only facilitating the sale of scrap gold items for quick and easy cash, we also enable customers to ‘recycle’ gold by selling scrap items to us and purchasing VAT free investment gold bars and coins with the proceeds.

Did you know that gold jewellery has VAT added to it? This distorts its value somewhat – by selling your item to us, you can invest the proceeds into a VAT free gold bar or coin through our sister website – UK Bullion.

 Investment gold is exempt from VAT altogether and is a smart way of storing wealth, as gold prices remain elevated for the foreseeable future.

UK Scrap Gold wishes you good health and fortune in the coming days and weeks and looks forward to restoring a full service at the earliest possible opportunity, as soon as it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so.